Wednesday, November 11, 2015

In matters of support and advocacy for marriage for same-sex couples, is there a "bridge too far" for the church?

1. I vote in favor of marriage? I vote for candidates that favor marriage?
2. I give money in support of campaigns and advocacy for marriage?
3. I argue a case in a state or federal court in support of marriage?
4. I advocate among Mormons that they also do 1, 2, or 3?
5. I recommend to a gay couple that they get married?
6. I acknowledge that if I were gay (and found a loving companionate partner) I would get married?
7. I lobby that the church make room for homosexual persons? For married same-sex couples and their families?
8. I lobby that church policies that exclude homosexual persons and their families be changed?
9. I lobby that church policies that exclude homosexual persons and their families not be followed?
10. I refuse to hold a disciplinary council for a same-sex person who is married? I baptize the 8-year-old child of a parent living in a “same-gender” relationship?

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